

October 31, 2011

A Morning Insight

A Morning Insight
--Arsean Kerk Lopez--

As the radiance of the shimmering light, brings warmth upon my chilly bones,
And as I felt the essence of the morning, I heard the cold breeze’s sweet moans.
I slowly opened my eyes, and an evocative moment stumbled upon my sight,
It was the vivacity of the crack of dawn. A moment of great height. . .

As I sat beside the window, I perceived the singing of the birds,
A sweet, sweet melody that cannot be described by just mere words;
Then I noticed the mist, the dew that hangs upon the tips of the leaves;
In their surfaces were the colors of the rainbow, and with that, beauty it gives. . .

As I gazed beyond the window, I saw Mother Nature flourishing.
The prosperous flora it created and the flowers continually blooming;
The bees that surround it, and the butterflies fluttering above them,
They’re certainly much more valuable, than any luxurious and classy gem. . .

And as I stare upon how the sun would rise up against the mountains,
I heed the rooster shouting, while flapping its wings above the fountain.
And as the skies gradually turning blue, from the red and orange before,
It gives me hope, light, courage and the opportunity to do more. . .

And then I noticed that all these things point out of how beautiful life can be,
Of how it can be so perfectly magnificent in whatever way we may see,
‘Cause life isn’t just about existing, it’s also about living
In harmony with earth through divine relation, and as one, breathing and believing. . .

To experience this gift of ‘LIFE’ everyday, it’s just so overwhelming,
Though were mere imperfect humans, God still took time to mold us into beings.
To think, to love, and to have free will in our day to day endeavors,
Indeed, we are lucky that God loves us with all His heart, and to us favors. . .

Then all of a sudden, a dove interfered my journeying train of thought;
As it hovered around my room and rest upon the bible, of which I brought;
It stared at me, and I stared at it, and I felt somehow we’re really connected,
But it then flapped its wings, and flew away, and I watched closely as it went astray. . .

Afterwards, I stood up and sat on the window pane with such artful,
As I gazed on the scenarios that make life so heavenly wonderful,
I can’t help it, but to smile, ‘cause I’m in such a good mood,
For “God saw all that He made and said, "It was very good." (Genesis 1:11). . .

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